Kenko Tokina takes part to CP+ 2018, March 2018, Yokohama, Japan

Feb 9, 2018

For this year as well and according to a long tradition, Kenko Tokina Co., Ltd. is glad to announce its participation to the Annual Asian Photo and Imaging Show CP+ 2018.

CP+ is the biggest photo and imaging show in Asia, a comprehensive exhibition that pursues to push for evolution in all aspects (technology, culture and industry) of camera and photo imaging.

Every year, it collaborates with the international City of Yokohama to give a mutual contribution to the development of the photo imaging culture and evolution.

This 2018 exhibition will be held in Yokohama (Japan) at Pacifico Yokohama exhibition center from the 1 st (Thu) to the 4 th (Sun) of March, and we are looking forward to meeting you at our booth in the Exhibition Hall (1F), booth #G-57.

For this 2018 edition Kenko Tokina booth will showcase:

  • "Touch&Try" corner, a great chance to try first hand all our Tokina lenses, and catch up with amazing news about Tokina line-up. You will also find Kenko popular Telepluses, Ex-tubes and Mount Adapters, along with Kenko brand new products ready to be tried.
  • Smartphone's accessory corner, with a display of best seller clip lenses and smartphone accessories to be tried at the moment on your smartphone.
  • Telescopes and binoculars corners, where you can try different optical products such as binoculars and astronomical telescopes, as well as the newest portable equatorial mounts for astrophotography.
  • Filters corner, a wide display of filters that aims to prove you and answer your questions on filters creative potential.
  • International Filters Photo Contest (IFPC) 2017-2018 Spring-Summer Session Winning Work Exhibition, where we will exhibit the winning photographic works for the Spring / Summer Session of our IFPC (2017-2018 edition).
  • Outlet sales booth (2F Annex Hall): we will also host an outlet sales booth, a great opportunity to get our products at an exceptional low price.

We are thrilled to meet you and enjoy your company at our Kenko Tokina booths. Exhibition Hall (1F), booth #G-57.

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About Kenko

Kenko is part of Kenko Tokina Co., Ltd. - leading optical manufacturer and trade company specializing in manufacturing and sales of Kenko brand photo accessories like photographic filters, conversion lenses, extension tube sets, mount adapters, binoculars and other products that make one's lifestyle more exciting.

Kenko Tokina Co., Ltd. | International Division